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Health News: The Loneliness Epidemic | Precision Omega Nutrition | Why Are Men Dieing Younger? | The Hidden Fat That's Connected to Alzheimer's Disease
With this health news round-up, you can see what's happening in health sciences with headlines, summaries, and direct links to original research around the globe.
WHO makes loneliness a global health priority with new Commission on Social Connection
While in many ways we are more connected than we have ever been, loneliness and depression are on the rise, especially during the holiday season. In fact, the WHO has made loneliness a global health priority with a new “Commission on Social Connection”
Omega 3 discovery moves us closer to 'precision nutrition' for better health
New research reveals that genetic differences play a definitive role in how we process the essential fatty acids omega-3s and omega-6s, bringing us one step closer to personalized nutrition. The good news? Polar lipids (you know, Orlo’s Active Omega-3s are better absorbed by everyone! https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-10-omega-discovery-closer-precision-nutrition.html
US Men Die 6 Years Before Women. UC San Francisco research points to widening gap of lifespan for men and women, in particular, over the last decade. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/11/231114215650.htm
This type of belly fat is linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. A recent healthline article summarizes research on the connection between visceral fat and brain health. Visceral fat is a “hidden fat” that sits between your organs and which isn’t visible as typical belly fat from the surface. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/this-type-of-hidden-belly-fat-linked-to-higher-alzheimers-disease-risk#Higher-amounts-of-hidden-visceral-fat-linked-to-more-inflammation