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Marjorie Alexander's A Sustainable Mind - Episode 099: Algae Omega-3 from Iceland As A Regenerative Nutrition Source for All People
Corinna Bellizzi, MBA is a natural products industry executive and omega-3 expert who pioneered the growth of Nordic Naturals from less than $1 million to over $100 million in annual sales. Given her concern for the future health of people and the planet, she shifted her focus from fish-sourced omegas to algae in 2016. An activist at heart, she launched her podcast, Care More Be Better, in 2021 to cover social and ecological issues that affect us all. Today she leads Orlo Nutrition, a new brand that features the world’s first carbon-negative omega-3s. She hosts a new podcast, Nutrition Without Compromise, to support that effort. She covers health topics without compromising your ethics, or the health of our home planet.
Top 10 Sustainability Podcasts: https://sustainabilitymag.com/top10/top-10-podcasts-to-help-you-understand-sustainability
In this episode Marjorie and Corinna discuss:
- What it takes to create the world’s first carbon-negative Omega-3
- What role Omega-3 play in the body and why they are so essential to overall health
- The benefits of algae-based Omega 3’s over traditional fish-based products
- Advice for entrepreneurs looking to get into the sustainable or plant-based product space
- Corinna’s two podcasts, Nutrition Without Compromise and Care More Be Better
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nutrition-without-compromise/id1613989068
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/care-more-be-better-social-impact-sustainability-regeneration/id1548757282
Resources mentioned in today’s episode:
- TheCarbonUnderground.org – regenerative agriculture
- Regeneration.org – Project Regeneration from Paul Hawken and “punchlist” page
- Eat to Beat Disease by Dr. William Li (publisher link)
- AirProtein.com – Meat made from Air, based in Walnut Creek
Connect with Corinna and the Orlo Nutrition Team:
- Orlo on Facebook: facebook.com/orlonutrition
- Orlo on Facebook: instagram.com/orlonutrition
- Orlo on Facebook: twitter.com/orlonutrition
- Orlo on TikTok: tiktok.com/@orlonutrition
- Parent company of Orlo: linkedin.com/company/vaxa-technologies-ltd/mycompany/
- Corinna on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cbellizzi
- Corinna on Instagram: instagram.com/caremore.bebetter
- Corinna on TikTok: tiktok.com/@corinnabellizzi
Connect with Marjorie Alexander:
- Instagram: Instagram.com/asustainablemind/
- Twitter: Twitter.com/SustainableMind
- Facebook: Facebook.com/asustainablemind/
- Website: ASustainableMind.com