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Thrive On Your Wellness Journey: Building Grain-Free Regenerative Nutrition Solutions With Elizabeth Stein
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Who says nutrition doesn’t have to be delicious? For Elizabeth Stein, choosing between nutritious ingredients and culinary taste doesn’t have to be a trade-off. And in this episode, she shows us how this is possible with her grain-free regenerative nutrition solutions. As a certified holistic nutrition counselor, Elizabeth started Purely Elizabeth in 2009 to create an effortless and enjoyable experience that could help people thrive on their wellness journey. She sits down opposite Corinna Bellizzi to share how they are making waves in the nutrition aisle with regeneratively organic certified products. Tune in to this great conversation to learn about this healthier, sustainable, and delicious alternative to health and nutrition. Find out about the benefits of regenerative agriculture and more!
Key takeaways from this episode:
- How Elizabeth started Purely Elizabeth
- The shift towards women-founded businesses
- Why brands need to tap into regenerative agriculture
- The grain-free regenerative nutrition alternatives
- Elizabeth’s health hacks
Guest Social Links:
Thrive On Your Wellness Journey: Building Grain-Free Regenerative Nutrition Solutions With Elizabeth Stein
In this episode, as part of our continuing coverage of Women's Health Month, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Elizabeth Stein. She is the Founder of Purely Elizabeth, a company she started back in 2009 to bring healthy nutrition and better-for-you granolas, pancake batters and more to your table. She believes that choosing between nutritious ingredients and culinary taste should never be a trade-off and that effortless and enjoyable health-promoting food should be readily available. Her efforts over the past few years have driven the company to best its practices as they continue to make waves in the nutrition aisle. They've moved to become Regenerative Organic Certified with some new launches that we'll talk about.
Elizabeth Stein, welcome to the show.
Thanks so much for having me on.
I have to tell you, I got the chance to see you speak as part of a panel at Expo West. I heard a bit from you but we're going to dive a little bit deeper into this whole move towards regenerative agriculture. I'd love you to start by telling the story of what brought you to found Purely Elizabeth and put your name right on the cover.
I started the company in 2009 and at the time, I had just graduated from a nutrition program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2007. It was in that program that I learned about food as medicine and connecting the power that food has on us. As I reflect, at the time what was so cutting edge was we've learned so much more since then, which is incredible and led us on the journey.
We learned about coconut oil, chia seeds, quinoa and ingredients that were not part of anybody's diet and certainly weren't part of many food products. As I started to work with clients, many of whom were gluten-free and felt that that was the best anti-inflammatory diet. I realized that there was such a lack of not only delicious tasting gluten-free products but also want delicious and full of nutrient-rich ingredients.
At the time, the gluten-free market was void of nutrition. It was filled with white rice flour and potato starch and here on the other side, I was learning about these nutrient-rich ingredients. The light bulb went off in my head and I thought, “There needs to be something better.” Ultimately, it was something in the back of my mind. I didn't have a business plan.
I was a big triathlete at the time and I thought I was going to start this project and sell what started as muffin mixes. I thought I was going to sell muffin mixes to my clients. I brought it to a local triathlon and thought it would be a side hustle. Quickly overnight, I got incredible online press and my side hustle turned into the launch of Purely Elizabeth about one week into this side project and here we are many years later.
While a lot has gone on since then, I will say that so much has remained the same. My mission from the beginning was creating products using the most nutrient-rich ingredients while still making them taste amazing so you never had that trade-off. I also wanted to take my background in holistic health where I was helping my clients not only with the foods that they were eating but the other areas of their life and wellness and impart that in a brand. Also, how could we bring that and serve as a way to bring holistic health and wellness to a much greater audience?
To have made it that long at all in any endeavor is incredible but I'm curious to learn how it was able to become this brand in only one week. That sounds like there's a story there.
There was. I went to this triathlon where I thought I was just selling a couple of products. I brought 30 muffin mixes to sell and a good friend of mine had posted my website that I threw together. This was in the early days of creating websites. Someone she knew worked at a website called DailyCandy, which at the time was the kind of resource for the latest trends, products, restaurants and fashion. They ended up contacting me a day later after seeing my website on Facebook and said, “We want to feature you in our Everywhere newsletter.”
At the time, that was the version of going viral on TikTok, I suppose. They ended up featuring my website on their email blast and within 3 hours of the email blast, I had about $10,000 in orders. That was how it started. It snowballed from there because not only did I have this influx of orders and I had no idea quite honestly how to fulfill the orders at the time. I started getting inquiries from Food & Wine Magazine and Oprah Magazine. It put me on the map in a much-accelerated fashion than I could have ever imagined.
I didn't know but was a website at that time called Purely Elizabeth? You didn't have a choice at that point.
Yeah. It was like, “Let's go and figure it out.”
As a relatively new female entrepreneur at that point in time, I know more women businesses are getting funding now but we even saw during the COVID pandemic that there was a shift away from venture capital going to women-founded businesses. As a woman in the nutrition industry, how has that journey been for you?
It's been a relatively great experience. I have been surrounded by so many other women founders from the beginning that quite honestly, I didn't feel like I was a woman coming into this industry and was the only woman there. From the beginning, I had other female founders who were in the same place and who were two great friends of mine.
We all started at the same time and we are surrounded by each other to feel this great force that was about to change the industry. At the time of coming into it, there was so much passion in 2009 and 2010 when we all started where we were trying to change what was happening in the food system. It felt like a shared passion.
As a brand, it felt like there were a lot of women founders. It didn't feel that way necessarily going into a retail meeting where a lot of the buyers were men or as you alluded to, fundraising in a room filled with many more men than it is women. However, that has taken a shift over the last couple of years and I've been fortunate to be surrounded by great women in the industry.
I'm a former marathoner and if you’d lean a little bit further over into that wall, you'd see my Boston Marathon medal but the reality is that I also am no longer a distance athlete because the amount of time you have to put into training is incredible. When you are doing triathlons, you have to fit in the cycling, the swimming and the running. It's a lot of work and time. I have two children. When you’re a mom, suddenly your time is diverted in other directions. It's their activities more. I still get to the gym. I lift weights. I do all that. I go on hikes but finding the time to run 30 to 40 miles a week in addition to everything else is not happening.
As we venture to talk about sources of nutrition, I find it a little interesting that you were working to start a grain-based in a way or anti-grain grain-based style business as a triathlete back in the day because so many people are even saying, “Grain's bad. Walk away from the muffins and all these other foods. Find something more whole-food based.” What was your reason for focusing on these more traditional granolas, pancakes and muffin mixes?
When I started in 2009, there was very little conversation, first of all, about going grain-free. The word keto didn't exist. Paleo was hardly part of the conversation. Grain-free was not there. For me, I was looking at it as all those gluten-free items that were filled with fillers or void of nutrition like the white rice flour but a hit a starch. I thought, “There are these incredible gluten-free grains that are filled with nutrition. The diversity of these grains where it was all of our products have always been about not just oats plus sugar and oil. Let's add a diversity of ingredients that all provide a different nutritional profile.”
As we're learning, diversity of ingredients is so critical for our gut microbiome. We didn't know that then but I knew that the diversity of ingredients would be beneficial. I have a sweet tooth. It was something that I always craved. I’m like, “I want something a little bit sweet but healthier.” That was initially how the muffin idea started but quite frankly, the muffin idea wasn't like, “I'm going to sell muffins, put this in the business plan and do it.”
Diversity of ingredients is so critical for our gut microbiome.
It was that I was going to triathlon to promote my nutrition practice and try to get clients. The night before, I decided, “I need to make something to entice people to come and chat with me at my booth.” I landed on blueberry muffins to make and that was truly what we started with. It wasn't intentional as far as the first product to launch but it was important at looking at the nutritional value of the flowers that we were using. It was a millet, almond and coconut flour. Also, chia, flax, hemp and all the good things that you could add. None of the bad.
You're also talking that when you use coconut flour and almond flour, they impart proteins as well. Often, we talk about these particular ingredients and think, “That's a carbohydrate product.” These types of grains have a fair amount of protein as well. I have had the chance to try your pancake and granola mixes including a pancake and oatmeal with collagen. I had already been adding collagen to some of those things so you did it for me and that was marvelous.
I did taste them with my kids. One of my children has more of a sweet palate so the grain-free one in particular, he wasn't that fond of but you have to try, experiment and find what's going to work for you. I'm sure, if I'd had added a spoon full of sugar, he'd have been fine with it. Many of these grain-based products, we don't realize you look at the label and there's quite a bit of added sugars in them too.
You need to read those labels.
At Expo West, you were on a panel with some other entrepreneurs in the space of the nutrition field, specifically about the push to regenerative organic. I'd love for you to talk about your collaboration with Mad Agriculture and what you're working to spearhead here with Purely Elizabeth.
I'm excited about this initiative. Over the last several years, we've constantly been evolving as a brand and I like to think that growth is a big thing for me. I love reading the latest about health, nutrition and wellness. Over the last couple of years, I was learning more about regenerative agriculture, the effect that it has not only on our climate but on our soils, understanding and connecting the dots between healthier soils means healthier tastier food is the belief.
When I connected those dots and dug into more understanding about regenerative agriculture and the soil being one piece of it but a much bigger ecosystem and benefits, it felt like as a brand we had a real responsibility to start supporting and further impacting these practices. We were fortunate enough to reach out to Mad Agriculture, which happens to be based here in Boulder, Colorado where we're based.
We wanted to partner with them on a project that has three pillars to it. The first is responsible sourcing. To say, “We want to source a percentage of our oats, which is our number one ingredient in our product portfolio, from regenerative organic farms.” That's one. The second is investing in farmers. Being able to support their work, which is so critical, having that end buyer and being able to help convert some of their farmland from conventional to regenerative practices.
The third piece, which both of those, Mad Ag has certainly helped with and correlated those connections, is the research and testing. What the project will look like is a three-year project to not only source but to provide research and testing so that we can confidently say, “We know in our hearts that healthier soil means healthier food but can we test the soil and the plants to verify?” Let's compare conventional farming to regenerative farming. What does that do? What is the carbon effect? How is it sequestering the carbon that we think that there's more over here?
What is the biodiversity of the farm? Are we getting more insects and birds? We have about 30 different metrics that we're testing on and we'll be testing that each year to validate the practices and hopefully, be able to share that research and empower more brands to be sourcing regeneratively and helping to support farmers in this movement.
I've seen early research or anecdotal evidence from specific farms showing the difference in the nutrient profile of the foods that they're growing. We do know too that before 1970 when a lot of modern pesticides and fungicides were introduced, the nutrient power even in spinach was much stronger. The level of iron in the spinach we grew was higher. This has to do with the micronutrients in the soil and also, how we're farming like, “Are we tilling?” I'm curious to know as a part of the Regenerative Organic Certified products that you are launching, are those all coming from no-till farms or are they using other methods of regenerative farming?
These are two different projects. We have our project with Mad Ag, which will be sourcing the oats and we'll be utilizing that within all of our products. It's a percentage of oats that we'll be utilizing from them. Also, separately we have a new SKU that is going into Whole Foods market exclusively and that will be our original granola, which is our number one granola. It has been for the last few years. It will be using ROC coconut sugar and ROC coconut oil. There are three different ingredients that we’ll be utilizing ROC, which is very exciting. They are no-till, to answer that question.
For clarification for the audience, we have covered this a little bit more deeply in our episode featuring John Roulac where we talked about regenerative agriculture. He is a pioneer in the space and ultimately, there are different methods of regenerative agriculture. When you till the soil, you release some of its carbon and disrupt some of the ecosystems that are living inside that soil. It's an ongoing effort where we're improving our ways of farming to both have a significant crop yield and without damaging the soil at the same time.
When you till the soil, you release some of its carbon and disrupt some of the ecosystem that's living inside that soil.
Thank you for that, Elizabeth. I do want to clarify too that ROC is Regenerative Organic Certification and other certifying bodies come out as well. It's something to stay attuned to. I understand as well, Elizabeth that you have your podcast. I hope that you would go ahead and share 1 thing or 2 about that show and perhaps what motivated you to get into the world.
I started the podcast a few years ago. It's called Live Purely Podcast with Elizabeth. The mission comes back to my background in holistic nutrition. When I started, I was working with ten clients and Purely Elizabeth was a way to amplify that message. I felt like the podcast was a great opportunity to delve deeper and provide our community with experts in the field of mainly nutrition and wellness, which is what we're focused on. However, with varying different topics, whether it is regen or the latest book from Dr. Li. I saw that he was on your show as well.
It’s bringing in experts across the field. It's been a wonderful experience for me. I'm an introvert so it's pushing me out of my comfort zone but I feel so fortunate and grateful. I was thinking that having these experts force me to read every book of the person who's coming on, stay up on the latest information and be able to share that with our community.
As we talk about the nutrition profile of your wonderful products, I've had the pleasure of experimenting with them in my kitchen and even converting some to waffle recipes. I used one of your grain-free options to try and make crepes because I love to make crepes on Sundays. It's a tradition in my household. Sometimes using gluten-free options can be a little challenging to get it to congeal the same way.
I had made thin oatmeal exclusively based-pancakes before like that but they don't hold. The combination of grains that you had meant that it worked pretty well. It’s still not quite as well as standard flour but that is sometimes a limitation of what type of flower that we're working with in the first place. I was wondering if you could talk for a moment about the variance in nutrition that you might get from your pancake mix versus something more conventional because I imagine you've looked at that more closely than I have and I'd love to know.
The pancake mix was one of our first products along with the muffin mix. It followed a similar mission and values with that. A traditional pancake mix is pretty much white flour and sugar. That's about it. Also, some baking soda and baking powder. When coming up with our pancake mix and as we think about our food philosophy for any product of ours, it's all about upgrading. We never like to think of our brand as being a brand that's free of. Yes, we're gluten-free but we've never thought of ourselves as free of. Rather, it's full of all the good stuff.
How can we add that nutrition, the diversity of ingredients, the diverse flowers and superfood seeds? It was like, “Let's look at white flour. How can we make that better?” Using the combination of almond, coconut and buckwheat flour, also, adding in additional nutrients like flax, chia seeds or in some cases, adding in collagen which helps support not only the protein that we think of it but it's great for our gut health.
We don't add sugar. To your comment about your son that if you had just added sugar. We felt like everyone puts maple syrup on it or if you want the sugar, add it in yourself but we don't need to be the ones who's dictating the amount of sugar in the mix. It's a great example of whether it's our pancake mix, oatmeal or granola. It's all about adding in those more nutrient-dense ingredients and making it taste great.
You mentioned flax and chia, both of which are high in plant-based omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. I'd love to know if you've measured that.
We have not.
It's something to consider.
We're working on a new product that has flax and we were having this conversation. We never measured it before. It’s something to put on our list.
The things to think about with flax are lignans, which are also health-promoting and there's even been research to support their use for breast health. People are concerned with different breast health issues. They could be looking at high-lignan flax oil. If you're getting the flax seed, it's going to be health-promoting in that arena because it's got the whole seed. The flax seeded itself is where you get the alpha-linolenic acid as well.
While this is a plant-based omega-3 that's a precursor to EPA and DHA, you don't make a ton of it from alpha-linolenic acid but it's still health-promoting and better than getting your standard corn oil. As we work to balance our omega-3s and omega-6s, getting more healthy foods that are plant-sourced and that contain omega-3s is very healthy for you.
Also, fiber.
As we're rounding out this conversation, I'd love for you to chat for a moment about the newer launches that you came out with at Expo West, which are connected to this regenerative organic coconut oil and coconut sugar.
Our product will be a Whole Foods exclusive product. It's our original granola, which is our number one granola. It's the most versatile. It's that yellow bag, as many people refer to it. We will be using regenerative coconut sugar, which is coming from Indonesia from Java. I had the opportunity about four years ago to go visit our supplier. It is a woman-owned cooperative, which is amazing to see. You talked about women in the CPG business but to see a woman-owned cooperative in Java and what that has been able to do there for the community and hiring is. More women there are empowering and wonderful.
We'll also be using ROC coconut oil from Sri Lanka. I have not gone yet to visit but that is on my list for 2024. An initiative over the next few years is having more direct farmer relationships and being able to go and visit all of them and lay our eyes on their operations. Also, get to know them and foster those relationships. We're thrilled for that product to be coming to market and bring more awareness to consumers who might not be as familiar with regenerative Ag and the benefits that it has. It will be one of the first in the category within cereal. I’m so excited for that to be hitting the shelves.
You mentioned that it was a Whole Foods exclusive. Does that mean it will also be available on Amazon?
I think so. We're working out some of those details but it will be.
I'm curious on that front since they are an Amazon-owned company. Some people don't have Whole Foods in their neck of the woods.
If not, for sure it will be on our website. They can get it on
I'm curious to know what health hacks you might have as tips for our audience, specifically women since we're focused on women's health.
I've got a lot of health hacks. I'm looking at it but this water bottle appeared all over my social media feed and I thought, “Why are people talking so much about a water bottle?” As it turns out, I'm drinking so much more water out of this water bottle than I would a regular water bottle.
Why do you think that is?
The design of the thicker straw makes it easier to drink a lot and it also keeps it very cool. I like cool water so this feels good for me. Trying to consume about half your body weight in ounces is what I always recommend to people and what the recommendation is. I'm finding I can easily surpass that in a day with this bottle. That is one of my non-negotiables in a day.
Consume water that is about half of your body weight in ounces.
The other couple is moving my body first thing in the morning. If I don't, I mentally don't feel as great. We know that the connection between movement and your overall mental health is so strong. For me, it's doing a lot of strength training but it's all about finding the movement for you that you enjoy and look forward to doing that's going to make it consistent day after day to do.
Hydration is key and getting moving. Give me one more.
One more is sleep. It kills me when people say, “I can have five hours of sleep. I don't need that much sleep.” We know that sleep is so critical. It's like the gut microbiome. It's an area where we're going to continue to learn so much more and understand the importance of our sleep. When we're sleeping, we are repairing the body, our minds and our muscles. Everything critical happens while we're sleeping.
If you read the studies of what happens when we don't sleep, even after a couple of days of being sleep-deprived, which means getting less than six hours of sleep, they're equating that to drunk driving. It's so severe what happens when we don't have enough sleep, how our mind changes and our heart rate. There's an increase in heart attacks when it's daylight savings without the extra hours of sleep. It's a 22% increase, which is wild. I take my sleep very seriously and try to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I know that I function so much better if I do.
We're lying to ourselves when we say we're fine when we get less. I've talked to many medical professionals about this and it comes up often. They recommend getting at least seven hours a night. If you're getting less than that, you want to look at your sleep hygiene specifically to try and allow for seven hours of sleep. It means that your head is on the pillow before that clock begins. Also, your device is out of reach so you're not sitting there scrolling on your feed. You have perhaps a sound generator or something like white noise to help you drift into that sleep.
I will say something here for the audience too. Many people who have battled COVID or long COVID symptoms have ended up in situations where their sleep has been compromised. I was among them and this was directly related to how active I was able to be because, for a while there, I would get throttled back when I went to my regular typical level of activity, which I'll admit is quite a lot.
I take a 3 to 4-mile hike every day with my dog. I lifted a lot of weight and in addition to that, whatever I did around the house like gardening and chasing my boys around. I didn't return to what I would call my regular sleep cycle until I was able to routinely get my weightlifting in the same way I did before. Suddenly, it was like a light switch. It was like, “I'm sleeping eight hours again with no problem. I am not waking up and having those issues.”
I also had to say goodbye to alcohol because alcohol was waking me up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and then I was having a more difficult time falling back to sleep. That's very common too because alcohol affects your liver and then you go into this whole cycle where your liver starts to wake up again right around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
If you have consumed even just a couple of glasses of wine the night before, it can disrupt your sleep cycle. Getting your consumption right and getting the three basics that you mentioned covered like enough water, hydration, enough movement for whatever your body needs to thrive and then also getting enough sleep is critical. I'm 100% with you. I'm a zombie when I get less than seven hours.
The other thing too is I have an Oura Ring so it's certainly easier but what I've learned is that I do wake up a lot in my sleep. If I plan for 9 hours of sleep, I'm only getting 8. Whether you have an Oura Ring or not, be conscious of, “Am I waking up at night? If I am, do I need to be adding more time to that because I'm not sleeping that full amount of time?”
There are technology devices that help us do this but the ultimate test is when you wake up, do you feel groggy? Do you want to stay in bed? Is it hard to get up? These things are indications that your sleep hygiene is amiss. There are a lot of things you can do to correct that. I have my laundry list but it comes down to establishing a healthy routine that works for you.
I work to make my room as dark as possible so we have blackout curtains. We don't have any lights or LEDs even on our clock in the bedroom. That helps. Also, turning down your thermostat in the evening will help you get to sleep because your body naturally wants to be a little bit cooler when you sleep. All of these things can help. Do you have any supplements that you love to take? We do talk about omega-3s here a lot on the show. If you have any that you are loving or that help you in your routine, I'd love to hear about them.
I do take AG1. I take that to cover my basis. Although, it does not have an omega-3 in it.
We're talking athletic greens. That's the AG1 product. Are you vegetarian-vegan?
I am not.
I was curious because a lot of vegans and vegetarians also go to that product. I'm a fan of it too but I prefer to drink water clean and then take a pill. I'm a little different that way.
I need to try your omega-3s. I'm excited to get that into my repertoire, to be honest.
What's interesting about the Örlö Ömega-3s is that they're in that polar lipid form. They are vegan. They're coming from algae and they're responsibly sourced. We grow our algae in Iceland and use a regenerative process to grow it because it's grown using only green energy and brackish water that isn't drinking water. We're ultimately using 99% fewer resources to grow our algae than other nutrition sources. It's incredible and you'll love it.
This is for the audience because we're launching this in May 2023. We're doing a promotion for anyone interested in upping their omegas. We're doing this in line with OmegaQuant. We're selling subscriptions. New subscribers come on and get the OmegaQuant kit so you can test your baseline for how you're doing presently on omega-3s. The goal is to test that on day 1 and then after 4 months of taking the product, you'll get a second test. You'll be able to test how much your omega-3 levels have improved in that time.
I interviewed Bill Harris on this show. He is the Founder of OmegaQuant. He made me take the test during the interview. I pricked my finger and did the whole process. It only takes a few minutes and then you put your name on the kit along with your email address. You register the kit online so you get the results immediately when they come in. You pop the thing in a self-addressed and prepaid envelope. It goes to OmegaQuant and you get your results in five business days after they've received it in hand. You are then able to see where you are on the spectrum.
They say that 8% omega-3, EPA and DHA in your cells is ideal because when they look at how healthy people are throughout their lives, 8% seems to be the sweet spot but most Americans are testing at 3.5%. Most of us need more omegas and this is something that we're doing as a service to our customers and new subscribers. It's essentially a $100 value because each kick is $50. It's like you're getting that free. I'm excited about that. We'll help a lot of people. I'm happy to send you some omega-3 to try. It will come in a beautiful glass refillable bottle that's responsibly sourced. We'll get that in the mail to you.
I can't wait to try it.
I was wondering if you had any parting thoughts to share as we prepare to wrap this show. Also, if there was a question that I haven't asked that you wish I had, you could ask and answer them.
I don't know if I have another area to touch on but I want to thank you for having me on. Everyone can find our products at Whole Foods, Target, Walmart, Kroger and everywhere in every grocery store. We're online at Thanks, everyone for your support. Our mission is to help our community thrive on its wellness journey and we're a part of that journey.
That journey starting with food as the foundation is the belief and connecting those dots that food affects every single thing. It affects our mental health, physical health, the world that we live in, the atmosphere and the animals on the planet. What we're putting at the end of our fork every day is so important and to be conscious of that.
What we put in our body, that we get enough water, that we sleep soundly and that we get moving. All of these things are the foundation of health. It's not rocket science. Thank you so much for that sum-up, Elizabeth. I appreciate your time.
Thanks so much for having me.
Remember, we're doing a short-term promotion for all of our subscribers and you're going to get that OmegaQuant Blood Spot test. You can verify how you're doing now and then check again in four months to make sure that you're getting enough omega-3 to support your health. That, in combination, with great food, good sleep, getting moving and getting enough water are all going to help you on your health journey.
I also want to remind everyone here that if you use the coupon code NWC20 at checkout at Örlö Nutrition, you can qualify for 20% off your first order. While that won't go towards this new blood spot campaign, we're giving you plenty for you there. It will go for any other product promotion on the site. If you're not ready to subscribe, you can always use that coupon code.
That's NWC20 at checkout at Örlö You can also connect with us and reach out via social channels, @OrloNutrition. You can send me an email directly or a message on those platforms. As we close this episode, I hope that you'll raise a cup of your favorite beverage with me as I say my closing words, here's to your health.
Important Links
- Purely Elizabeth
- Regenerative Organic Certified
- Mad Agriculture
- Regeneration: The Hope Below Our Feet With John Roulac – Past Episode
- Live Purely Podcast with Elizabeth
- Eat to Beat Your Diet: Dispelling Myths About Fats and Metabolism With Dr. William Li – Past Episode
- Oura Ring
- Örlö Ömega-3s
- OmegaQuant
- @OrloNutrition – Instagram
About Elizabeth Stein
A Note From Elizabeth Stein: I started Purely Elizabeth in 2009. As a certified holistic nutrition counselor, I believe that nutritious food has a powerful effect on the body. When you eat better, you feel better. It's that simple. But it wasn't that simple -- when I looked around at grocery shelves, the options were limited for nourishing food that people would actually enjoy. So I set out to create products that didn't have a trade off between nutritious ingredients and culinary taste. I wanted to create an effortless, enjoyable experience so that I could help people thrive on their wellness journey.